GIS Association of Japan


Membership and Annual Fees

Membership typeTarget groupEntry feeAnnual fee
Regular member Anyone none ¥9,000 (Member using automatic debit system for the payment as of 1st  April, 2012)
¥10,000 (Others)
Student member Undergraduate, Graduate Students none ¥4,000 (Member using automatic debit system for the payment as of 1st )
¥5,000 (Others)
Supporting Member (General Enterprise) Business enterprises etc.
(Admission application requirements [in Japanese])
¥200,000 ¥50,000
Supporting Member (Juridical Foundation) Juridical Foundations etc.
(Admission application requirements [in Japanese])
none ¥50,000
Supporting Member (Local government) Regional governments etc.
(Admission application requirements [in Japanese])
none ¥10,000


Application form (in Japanese)

For more information

Information is available in Japanese.